Presenting the Word Lounge by Alphabet Sambar


Word Lounge?

Just as the WordPress Lounge is a space for WordPress users to discuss WordPress,the Word Lounge is a space for writers and other content creators to meet, mingle and talk about the craft of writing. The Word Lounge will be open through the entire day and will have flash exercises, discussions on writing and peer feedback sessions.

Alphabet Sambar


The Word Lounge will be conducted and moderated by Alphabet Sambar. Alphabet Sambar is an experimental writing project that nurtures and supports writers. The community has weekly meets for peer reviews and feedback. It has also hosted special writing-based events on collaborative Twitter fiction, flash novel writing, erotica writing etc.

Alphabet Sambar has members all over the world and has had offline events in Mumbai and Pune. Alphabet Sambar is on Twitter (@AlphabetSambar) and Facebook (


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